汉语中用80后、90后、00后指在某一时期出生的人群,英语中也有这样的词汇,例如,指1981-1996年间出生的人, X指1965-1980年间出生的人。你知道这些称呼是怎么来的吗?

老外常说的Millennials,Generation X,Baby Boomers啥意思?

BABY “婴儿潮一代” (1946-1964)

a in the of born a “baby boom” dates to the 19th . In 1941, an issue of LIFE — the due to older after the Great and the many that came about of the draft of 1940— that “the US baby boom is bad news for .”


The who would come to be known as Baby , , ’t be born for a few more years as home from the war and the “.”


the born from 1946 to 1964 get the name Baby , that ’t until near the end of the . In 1963 the News Daily Press of a tidal wave of as the “Baby ” were up.


Oddly, an name for born this time was X; as ‘s The noted in 1964, “Like most , ‘ X’—as the tag today’s under 25s—show a lack of faith in the Old Ones.”


X “X世代”(1965-1980)

That in The was in to a then- book X by Jane and . A few years later, Joan Broad a copy at a sale, her son found it, and he fell in love with the name.


That son was Billy Idol, and to his , with , “We it could be a great name for this new band, since we both felt part of a youth of a , that we were by and from the and . We also felt the name the many that came with our ’s and .” The band X would begin Billy Idol’s .


But the name X ’t with a wide group of until 1991. That’s the year ’s X: Tales for an was . The book a for its to early ’90s and, it didn’t coin the words, a range of terms as as McJob and —and a name for an .


千禧一代 (1981-1996)

What comes after X? Y, . That was the logic that the of Y in the early ’90s. But as Jean to NPR the of “baby ” as a term to X, “ that from the don’t tend to stick.”


, in 1991 Neil Howe and wrote , which a about the . to , they felt that as the of this were high in 2000—and was on the date— a fit.


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