众所周知,前英格兰队球星贝克汉姆身上有多达 40 处各种各样的文身。不仅是他,很多球星身上的文身都引发粉丝的无数猜测。一起来看看这些足球明星的文身都有什么含义?



拉蒂姆·斯特林( )

英国足球运动员拉蒂姆·斯特林不得不为他最新的文身辩解,这个文身的图案是一把 M16 突击步枪。反枪械运动人士说这令人“作呕”。

has been to a new of an M16 rifle, after anti-gun it “”.


The Man City said it his to never touch a gun after his was shot dead when he was two years old.

他在 Ins 上发帖说:“我用右脚射门(译者注:这里取 shoot 双关之意),所以有更深一层的意义。”

“I shoot with my right foot, so it has a ,” he wrote on a post on .



塞尔希奥·拉莫斯( Ramos)


He has the Mary on his arm and a lion on his back. But the that the most is Ramos’ .

这位皇家马德里队队长在 2016 年用红色把数字 35、90+、32 和 19 文在了手指关节处,还让球迷们猜是什么意思。

The Real asked to guess the the 35, 90+, 32 and 19, when he got them inked in red in 2016.

粉丝们最后猜出这些数字代表他各种不同的首次胜利。他最开始在塞维利亚踢球时,最初的球员号码是 35 和 32,90+ 指的是他在 2014 年欧冠决赛对阵马德里竞技队时的补时绝杀。

Fans out they to his debut . When he first his at , Ramos’ first squad were 35 and 32, while 90+ to his time goal in the 2014 final .

他在 19 岁生日那天首次正式代表西班牙出战,这就是 19 的意思。

As for the 19, he made his debut for Spain on his 19th .

勒鲁瓦·萨内(Leroy Sane)

勒鲁瓦·萨内下了很大的决心,花了 4 天时间文下了最新的文身。

Leroy Sane was so to his that he four days to it inked.


The ? .

特别是在 2017 年 2 月欧冠期间,对阵摩纳哥队时他在最后 16 分钟攻入的一粒进球。

, his goal in the final 16 of the in 2017.


“I have some that are for me , so that’s why I to do it,” he told the last year.


“When I was young, I to play in the .”

安德烈·格雷(Andre Gray)

这位沃特福德队的前锋后背布满文身,花了 3 年才完成,都是美国民权运动期间关键人物的画像和象征图案。

The ‘s full back took three years to and key and from the civil .


Bob Rosa Parks and Ali, and his ship are there, along with the Black .

格雷曾告诉《每日电讯报》说,在从伯恩利队转会到沃特福德队之前,他对民权运动进行了了解。民权运动的关键人物激励他奋发前行。这次转会的转会费高达 1850 万英镑(约合 15751 万人民币)。

Gray told the that he out about the civil his £18.5m move from to , and key from the him to aim high.


大卫·贝克汉姆(David )


many have their in their , David ‘s are .

他一共有 40 多个文身,大多数是用来赞美家人。他把所有子女的姓名以某种方式文在身上,此外还有妻子维多利亚·贝克汉姆及他父母的名字。

He has more than 40 and most of them his . All of his ‘s names are in some form on his body, along with his wife and his .


2015 年,他在手上永久性地文了女儿哈珀设计的图案,旁边还文了一个心形。

And in 2015, he inked a stick by his onto his hand, a heart.

他在 Ins 上写道:“显然,哈珀可以在我身上乱画。”

” is to on daddy,” he wrote on .


让我们一起来看看他对文身的热爱在过去几十年间如何与日俱增,以及每一处文身有什么含义:贝克汉姆 40 处文身大揭秘。

达尼埃莱·德罗西( de Rossi)


The is well known for his tough , and he to get a to his .


The is a take on the sign and could look like a floor sign at a . But in de Rossi’s , his ‘s leg is away. Be .

be with us!


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