

“NO go to the they are their kid a crack at dream,” said Rahm on 9th. 's mayor was for at , a high on the city's South Side.


On the same day in , Obama plans to from fees at . The White House had taken a of 's book, said Mr , who last the , which pays the – fees of the best 's – .


Mr wants more to in a and take (and, if they pass, ) while still in their last year of high , which helps to their costs later.With the help of a of 500,000 over three years from , the grow from 2,500 to more than 6,000 next year. in the than any other high in .


Some of the Mr had to make in his first term .He merit pay for and a day ('s was only 5 hours ) and for 50 half-empty in poor . went for the first time in 25 years, but Mr got the day and the in 2013. The kept their -based pay .


Mr some of the money saved by into , which even more with the ' . But have well . The Noble , which runs 16 high with 10,000 plans to have 20,000 by 2020, has an rate of 94% ( with 73% ) and a drop-out rate of only 0.4% ( with 4.7%). It also on the ACT, a – test. It has an even (98% with 92% at ), and .


Rosa , the of Prep, one of the Noble , says all have a as a , whom they see twice every day. and are the ' , so they go to great their show up, dress in their of grey and , and work hard. Ms after a group of 13 “” boys. Inone case she even drove to a pupil's house to get him to come to . He was still in , but .


Mr is keen on , but he didn't them when he -term plans for . he to put Wi-Fi in all , and that every would be three miles of a high some , such as or the . , he did not want those who think that leave in the dumps. In fact, has to shape up a bit. The drop-out rate has gone ACT have , from a very low level.


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