
Feet to a Snake



Once upon a time, in a , there was a man who a jar of wine. On this day, he a few to his house for a . sat , the wine and . When the jar was , a rich aroma the air, and the ’t wait to taste the wine. , there wasn’t much wine, only for each to have a small cup.



They the wine, but still more. At this , the man had a idea and an : “Let’s have a to draw ! draws the and most snake can drink the wine.”



was and pens and paper to start . One young man, in , was very . He he was fast at and would win. He and soon drew a snake. that were still , he to , “They are so slow. I’ll add a few feet to my snake to make it more !”



So, he up his pen and added feet to the snake. Just then, the their . to judge the works, and when it was the young man’s turn, the were . said, “ don’t have feet. What is this that you’ve drawn?”



The young man he had made a big . Not only did he fail to win the , but he was also at by . In the end, the wine was given to who had drawn and well.



This story us that we need to know when to stop. , like feet to a snake, not only is but can . or extra can lead to and loss.

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