
Every a green train from City of Hunan the to City of , the whole rail has 178 , with 13 stops.


It is Train 7272 heads west along River, the , and it is the only train that stops at 12 stops of the total 13 stops along the .


One , the train Jinhe , and a fruit the train. , Yang Bo, a train , and him, and then the old got on the train. Yang Bo went to check the later, and the her, “if there is no such train, we would stay in .”


Yang Bo said that this train the . They are , , and . They are for their lives just like else.


Town and Town, Tian , a fruit , takes the train 7272 at Jinhe after an hour of with his in . He sells these in Town in after one hour of .


Tian, a 70 years old man, has fruit for 50 years. the train was , he could only sell the at the local every day. It was lucky that he 20 or 30 RMB a day.


Tian said that in Town he can sell with the price of 2 yuan a pound, and the are sold out in less than an hour. The is 20 times more than that of in Town, and the cost of to is only 3 yuan.


Tian has not only but also , plums, and the other of the four . Tian can sell at least 200 yuan a day, and 300 or 400 yuan at a time. Tian felt that the train a new world of to him.

Link:湖南最后的慢火车①|7272次:没有这趟车 我们会穷一辈子

Tian : life by Hunan slow train

green us of the old days in China

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