Avoid these when an ; they could get you into

By Fox News

March 29, 2024 6:18am EDT

As an , you’ll want to think and with care the you plan to ask job to avoid into down the line.

As a rule, when an for an open , focus on that to the job at hand — and stay away from about the 's life.

If the doesn’t get the job, and you asked that could have been as , you may find in legal .

Here are a few to avoid in an with a .


Stay away from these as an to avoid from an .


a job , you ask a about a or to guide them to they have a , to the U.S. Equal .

If the is or the has he or she is , then you can ask the if he needs with the or will need some to the work or to how the job is out, to the .

As an , your is well- to make and to those with the .

You may not ask about to an , such as , to the U.S. Equal .

The with Act (ADA) from – of an a job offer is made, to the U.S. of Labor.


to be the , to the U.S. Equal .

Avoid or about in a job , such as an where she or about the she .


Avoid any -based an . , focus on that to the job

-based are as to a job. Title VII of the Civil Act of 1964 in the based on race, color, , sex and .

, all to any of these be .

3. Age

The Age Act of 1967 (ADEA) 40 and older from age-based . The U.S. Equal about an 's age in a job to avoid legal .

If you are for a job such as a , which has an age , you can ask the if he or she is at least the age.

4. plans

an if she is or plans on are that be a job , to the U.S. Equal .


Don't ask a about or he or she has or wants kids a job .

's to have into a .

Avoid these when an ; they could get you into


As an , you’ll want to think and with care the you plan to ask job to avoid into down the line.

作为一名面试官,你需要想清楚并谨慎的选择你准备向求职者提出的问题,以避免面试时发生冲突。(down the line其间某时在某一时刻在某一环节)

As a rule, when an for an open , focus on that to the job at hand — and stay away from about the 's life.


If the doesn’t get the job, and you asked that could have been as , you may find in legal .


Here are a few to avoid in an with a .




a job , you ask a about a or to guide them to they have a , to the U.S. Equal .


If the is or the has he or she is , then you can ask the if he needs with the or will need some to the work or to how the job is out, to the .


As an , your is well- to make and to those with the .


You may not ask about to an , such as , to the U.S. Equal .


The with Act (ADA) from – of an a job offer is made, to the U.S. of Labor.




to be the , to the U.S. Equal .


Avoid or about in a job , such as an where she or about the she .


-based are as to a job. Title VII of the Civil Act of 1964 in the based on race, color, , sex and .


, all to any of these be .


3. Age


The Age Act of 1967 (ADEA) 40 and older from age-based . The U.S. Equal about an 's age in a job to avoid legal .


If you are for a job such as a , which has an age , you can ask the if he or she is at least the age.


4. plans


an if she is or plans on are that be a job , to the U.S. Equal .


's to have into a .


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